An Adaptive Growth Protocol by Onur Degirmenci
To generate customers on demand by finding offer-market fit and scaling using a growth system and media platforms like Meta, Google, and LinkedIn.
A Way to Rapid Growth
In today’s New World, a lot of things have shifted drastically. Businesses are no longer seeing online presence as a nice “good-to-have”. It has become their main source of income.
The problem, though, is that most businesses don’t know how to achieve a presence that brings a net positive outcome to their capital or growth rate. Simply getting “online impressions’” is no longer enough. The online world is becoming extremely crowded, because most businesses have woken up, started ditching the yellow page ads, and are focusing on creating content as much as possible.
Why? To hopefully keep getting online attention and impressions.
However, it is no longer enough to get eyeballs or impressions in the New Online World. Because the market is becoming more numb to offers, claims, marketing campaigns, etc on a daily basis. Most of the businesses are already getting online impressions and attention, and yet most of them are struggling and getting closer to bankruptcy by the day.
Some of those companies are familiar with paid advertising, influencer marketing, video sales letters, growing an email list and sending out newsletters, etc.
But unless there’s a strategic framework being planned beforehand and executed in an efficient way, it’s impossible to make this work in the long run.
Introduction: Literature Review
If getting online impressions and attention no longer works, then what does?
Getting online attention was very successful for some years, however this has changed very quickly. Why? Because every business and content creator started focusing on getting attention in the New Online World.
What if everyone tries to achieve the same outcome? The market gets diluted. The market becomes bored of it, so much so that it just blatantly ignores it.
What do we have to do in this case? We shift our mindset from Getting Attention to Earning Attention.
When you have gotten the attention of your target market, you have to make it clear to them that you have earned that. Simply dancing your way, acting funny or screaming to get attention nowadays will hurt your reputation more than anything else.
Because your market no longer just pays with currency, they also pay with their attention. At least, that’s how they see it now in the New Online World. If you get their attention, you’ve sold something. And if that transaction was a bad experience for them, that’s a no bueno for you, your reputation, and your business.
You have to get attention in such a suave way that your market thinks “Finally, a worthy attention getter. Here, have all of my attention because you’ve earned it”.
So to achieve this outcome, we have to get attention using a very specific, scientifically assembled formula. We combine a Customer Core Desire that the market has with a Relevant Trending Force that ties perfectly with the Customer Core Desire.
Customer Core Desires are desires that are not temporary, but grounded desires that take years to develop, such as: Health, Wealth, Building Relationships, Achievement, Purpose, etc.
Relevant Trending Forces are trends that can fuel and strengthen a Customer Core Desire, such as: Remote Work, Biohacking, Crypto, AI and Automation, Mental Health, Space Traveling, Privacy, Content Creation Communities, etc.
Once we are able to pinpoint a perfect combination of these two core pillars, we can easily get attention and it will be earned too.
Methods and Materials
Once able to pinpoint a Customer Core Desire and power it up with a Relevant Trending Force, it gets fairly easy to create a message that earns attention. But earning attention is not enough. The earned attention has to generate either growth in customers or profit on the P/L sheet.
To achieve that positive outcome, we have to create an Adaptive Core Offer using those 2 core pillars.
An Adaptive Core Offer speaks to the target audience at the right frequency and resonance level. So much so that the audience takes a step to come closer to listen to what we have to say or offer next.
We have to make sure to start with finding the right Customer Core Desire, followed by the right Relevant Trending Force. And then to find the right resonance with our target audience, we have to match their level of market awareness and sophistication.
According to the experimentation and research, there are 7 levels:
- The market is completely new and unaware
- The market is problem aware
- The market is solution/product aware: but there’s no competition in the market
- The market is solution/product aware: but there are similar offers available
- The market is solution/product aware: but extremely saturated
- The market is ready to act immediately: and there is no competition in the market
- The market is ready to act immediately but skeptical: need to innovate a new “way” or “mechanism”.
The reason why the Adaptive Core Offer is called an “Adaptive” Offer, is because the market can easily and quickly shift levels. So to make the offer resonate well with the market, we have to do market research, observe at what level the majority of the market stands and then create our Adaptive Core Offer.
The Market is at level 2. “Problem Aware”, but our Adaptive Core Offer is highlighting the solution and/or our product name. In this case, there’s a discrepancy in resonance. And because of that, our Adaptive Core Offer will be weak, and Offer-Market-Fit will not be met.
Making it impossible to scale efficiently using the Media Platforms.
When using the Adaptive Growth Protocol, we are able to make sure that the chances are extremely high to find the right resonance with our audience, have a very tight feedback loop, so we can easily and rapidly adapt our Adaptive Core Offer — and be able to achieve Offer-Market-Fit to scale efficiently.
Creating the Adaptive Core Offer:
Use this framework, but remember to mix and match the components to make sure the right resonance is met with the audience.
Step 1. [A Proven Attention Grabber]
Step 2. [Highlight a Relevant Trending Force: Unique Solution]
Step 3. That Helps [Target Audience]
Step 4. Achieve [Customer Core Desire]
Step 5. Without [Painful Problem]
Step 1. Finally
Step 2. A Proven A.I. Focused Mentorship Program
Step 3. That Helps Ambitious Tech-Oriented Startup CEOs
Step 4. To Achieve a Successful A.I. Based Startup Recognised for Innovation
Step 5. Without Requiring Development Knowledge or External Funding
The Adaptive Core Offer:
“Finally! A Proven A.I. Focused Mentorship Program That Helps Ambitious Tech-Oriented Startup CEOs To Achieve a Successful A.I. Based Startup Recognised for Innovation, Without Requiring Development Knowledge or External Funding.”
Experimental Procedure
When the Adaptive Growth Protocol is being implemented to its fullest potential, the entire business is in a state salivating for more growth and scale. It is simply ready to go full power using all its cylinders.
The Customer Core Desire will be spot on and powered up using a Relevant Trending Force. The Adaptive Core Offer Will be using the correct level of market awareness and sophistication level, making it extremely novel and relevant to the target market.
Once that’s achieved, an Adaptive Conversion Letter — which is a modern version of a direct-marketing sales letter (basically a salesperson behind a keyboard using written-visual words instead of spoken-verbal words).
Once the Adaptive Conversion Letter has been created, it should be published on the landing page, run as an advertisement, used in social posts, etc.
It should also be handed over to the prospecting- and sales team to be used during prospecting and sales calls.
It can be handed over to the content team to come up with content ideas and publish organic content on social channels.
Such as, but not limited to: publishing mini Video Sales Letters on YouTube, and sharing those YouTube mini-VSLs on other social channels to achieve multi-touch point marketing.
Some businesses have used language learning models, such as ChatGPT, Claude 3, Gemini, etc where they send the Adaptive Conversion Letter – and then ask the language learning model to come up with content ideas and scripts.
This has been proved to work very well for them, and it’s only going to get more effective with time.
At its limit, this is how it looks like:
Results and Analysis
Discussion of findings
Sending cold outbound messages is getting more difficult by the day. LinkedIn and Facebook are getting stricter with Connection- and Message limits, most e-mails going to the spam folder, etc.
At its most efficient state, the Adaptive Growth System will publish the Adaptive Core Offer on Media Platforms, where you pay per impression (CPM or Cost-Per-Impression). There’s no limit to the amount of impressions you can reach, as long as you’re willing to keep spending on that CPM metric.
To know whether we can or cannot spend money at scale with the CPM we’re getting on the media platforms, we have to use a model to reverse engineer the paid advertising KPI metrics.
Demo introduction:
Explained: A Growth Modeling Tool
So when the numbers from the Simulation Modeling tool are met, the system becomes ready to start humming at its most efficient state — and grow rapidly at breakthrough levels.
Conclusion and Future Implications
The New Online World has brought drastic changes over the years, but recent times have seen a breakthrough pace of technological evolution never witnessed before. A.I. is forcing businesses to adapt and become more efficient to survive.
While the exact future remains uncertain, some things are clear:
- Technology will continue to advance rapidly, making its efficient implementation crucial for business success.
- As technology becomes more sophisticated, the importance of human connection and emotional engagement deepens.
- A business that achieves peak efficiency can experience exponential growth.
If you are interested in having the Adaptive Growth Protocol implemented in your business, to have your own Adaptive Growth System, please apply via this link.